
The Damsel lives with her Knight in Shining Armor in a village by the mountains. She has seven sprogs, two of whom are married. She has two grandsprogs and she’s pretty darn happy about it.

Left in the nest: a college girl, a passel of teenagers, and a ten year old. The college girl keeps sticking a foot out of the nest, but the Damsel has so far managed to pull her back.

A good hunk of her old-schooling came from her mom and grandmother. The Damsel loves antiques, old-fashioned stuff, and little old ladies. She hopes you’ll fall in love like she did.

The Damsel keeps a diary-type journal at http://elle-cosette.livejournal.com. See ya over there!

Email the Damsel at mhovley at gmail dot com.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. so, are we gonna some awesome canning posts this summer too? oh I hope so! my orchard up to the challenge!

  2. An idea: How to save eggs for those of us that have chickens. Last year I stirred them together and froze the mixture in ice trays. I’m still using them (2.5 of my cubes/egg). You can also separate and put with salt/sugar. etc. I’ve never done it with isinglass (sp?)

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